Category Archives: Bell Bridge Books

Professional Wednesday: Marketing Strategy, a New Release, and an Excerpt!!

This Friday — the day after tomorrow!! — The Chalice War: Cauldron, the second book in my new Celtic-themed urban fantasy series, will be released by Bell Bridge Books. For those of you thinking, “Wait, didn’t you JUST have a … Continue reading

Posted in Bell Bridge Books, Belle Books, Business of publishing, Novels, Publishing, The Chalice War, Urban Fantasy, Writing, Writing Life | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Comments Off on Professional Wednesday: Marketing Strategy, a New Release, and an Excerpt!!

Professional Wednesday: Another Letter To My Younger Self

Dear Younger Me, Yes, it’s me again — Middle Aged David. Upper Middle Aged David, actually. I know I wrote to you earlier this week. I remember doing so. I’m not so far gone quite yet. But I thought you … Continue reading

Posted in Bell Bridge Books, Belle Books, Business of publishing, Family, Fun, Invasives, Novels, Publishing, The Chalice War, Writing, Writing Life | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Comments Off on Professional Wednesday: Another Letter To My Younger Self

Professional Wednesday: Learning From Each of Our Projects

Ideally, every new book and story we write is not just an adventure in imagination, a chance to discover new characters and settings and narratives, but also a learning opportunity. I continue to improve my writing with each project, and … Continue reading

Posted in Bell Bridge Books, Belle Books, Character, Islevale Cycle, Novels, Radiants, Short Fiction, The Chalice War, Thieftaker, Writing, Writing Life | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Comments Off on Professional Wednesday: Learning From Each of Our Projects

Monday Musings: This Blog, My Books, Your Support

This Blog: I want to say from the outset that I love maintaining this blog. I write my twice-weekly posts because I enjoy sharing my thoughts (on Mondays) and my writing tips (on Wednesdays). Writing on demand in this way … Continue reading

Posted in Bell Bridge Books, Belle Books, Business of publishing, Novels, Publishing, Reading, The Chalice War, Writing, Writing Life | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Comments Off on Monday Musings: This Blog, My Books, Your Support

Monday Musings: My Favorite Babies

This post is not about my daughters. I swear. I love my girls exactly the same amount. Except maybe around my birthday, when my love for them is directly proportional to the quality of the presents they give me. Other … Continue reading

Posted in Angry Robot Books, Bell Bridge Books, Belle Books, Business of publishing, Falstaff Books, Fantasy, Invasives, Islevale Cycle, Novels, Publishing, Radiants, The Chalice War, Thieftaker, Writing, Writing Life | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , | Comments Off on Monday Musings: My Favorite Babies

Professional Wednesday: 2023 Is 1/4 Gone — What Have You Done?

Spring is here. April is knocking on the door. 2023 is just about one quarter gone (a thought that sends me into a frenzied panic) and with the first three months of the year nearly over, I felt this would … Continue reading

Posted in Appearances, Bell Bridge Books, Belle Books, Business of publishing, Novels, Publicity, Publishing, The Chalice War, travel, Writing, Writing Life | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Comments Off on Professional Wednesday: 2023 Is 1/4 Gone — What Have You Done?

Creative Friday: THE CHALICE WAR: CAULDRON Cover Reveal!!

As I have mentioned previously, the release of the first book in my upcoming Celtic urban fantasy, The Chalice War (Bell Bridge Books), has been delayed. We had hoped for February. It will be May. After that, though, the other … Continue reading

Posted in Bell Bridge Books, Belle Books, Fantasy, Novels, Publishing, The Chalice War, Writing, Writing Life | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , | Comments Off on Creative Friday: THE CHALICE WAR: CAULDRON Cover Reveal!!

Professional Wednesday: What Holds Me Back, part I — Life Issues

As we turn the calendar to March, I thought I would turn to a new series of posts in my Professional Wednesday feature. This month, as I struggle with a bit of work-related inertia, I have decided some might find … Continue reading

Posted in Bell Bridge Books, Belle Books, Family, Friendship, Invasives, kids, parenting, Writing, Writing Life | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Comments Off on Professional Wednesday: What Holds Me Back, part I — Life Issues

Creative Friday: About That Celtic Urban Fantasy . . .

Right around the holidays, I was shouting from the virtual rooftops about my new Celtic urban fantasy trilogy, The Chalice War, which would be coming out early in 2023. The first book, I bellowed (virtually), would be coming out in … Continue reading

Posted in Bell Bridge Books, Business of publishing, Fantasy, Publishing, The Chalice War, Writing, Writing Life | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , | Comments Off on Creative Friday: About That Celtic Urban Fantasy . . .

Professional Wednesday (On Thursday): About Deadlines

Yes, this is a Professional Wednesday post, going up on a Thursday morning. And it’s about dealing with deadlines and professional obligations, which should give you some hint as to where this essay is going . . . . I … Continue reading

Posted in Bell Bridge Books, Business of publishing, Family, Invasives, kids, Novels, Publishing, Writing, Writing Life | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Comments Off on Professional Wednesday (On Thursday): About Deadlines