Monthly Archives: August 2024

Monday Musings: A New Anthology and Submission Advice For Writers

By now you might have seen the posts across several social media platforms: There is a new Zombies Need Brains Kickstarter campaign underway. For eleven years now, ZNB has been publishing quality short fiction from teams of established professionals and … Continue reading

Posted in Business of publishing, Publishing, Short Fiction, Writing, Writing Life | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Comments Off on Monday Musings: A New Anthology and Submission Advice For Writers

Monday Musings: Beauty and Hope at the Olympics

There is an image from an Olympic event I watched that has been captured in a photo. It is beautiful and it gives me hope on so many levels. The men’s Moroccan soccer team had just pounded team U.S.A. 4-0. … Continue reading

Posted in Friendship, History, photography, Politics, Sports | Tagged , , , , , , , , , | Comments Off on Monday Musings: Beauty and Hope at the Olympics

Monday Musings: Checking In, With Further Thoughts On Grief

I’ve been traveling a lot this summer — hence my inconsistency when it comes to posting. Generally the travel has gone well, and visits with friends and family have been wonderful. Whether in personal settings or professional ones, I have … Continue reading

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