After about a six-week hiatus from posting, I am back at Magical Words, the blogsite on the craft and business of writing that I co-founded and continue to maintain (under the name David B. Coe) with Faith Hunter and Misty Massey. Today’s post is about plotting and pantsing, and the ways in which the nature of the book itself can dictate the best approach to take. It is called, “The Plotter Goes Pantsing: The Relationship Between Process and Product.”
I have spent the past several weeks finishing one book, revising another, and writing the early chapters of a third. For the last few days I’ve been proofreading the galleys for yet another novel, A Plunder of Souls, the third Thieftaker book. Busy times, but as any writer will tell you, busy is good. It’s nice, though, to be posting again, and I hope that this marks the first of more posts to come in the coming weeks and months. In the meantime, I hope you enjoy today’s essay.