So I’m looking at having postcards made with the Thieftaker jacket art on the front and information about the book (ISBN number, jacket blurbs — stuff like that) on the back. I want to have stuff to give away at conventions, book signings, and other events.
But I also have an idea for t-shirts that would have that same jacket art on the back and on the front a small insignia for the “Boston Thieftakers‘ Guild, Est. 1765.” This guild never existed, of course, but I think that the idea of it might be kind of cool. But I need a second opinion. Or rather, I need a bunch of them. Would any of you be interested in a Thieftaker shirt like the one I’ve described (understanding, of course, that I would have to price it reasonably)?
Please leave a comment and let me know. Thanks!
21 Responses to A Publicity Idea and a Request for Help