First of all, many thanks to all of you who contributed title ideas for the second Thieftaker book. I’m grateful for the suggestions. The title I came up with in the end was not one that I had considered earlier, nor was it one that someone suggested here. It grew out of discussions with my editor who felt the title should be rooted less in the setup of the story and more in the plot’s development. The title will be Thieves’ Quarry. When you read the book you’ll see why. I think. I like the fact that it ties to “Thieftaker” in a way, and I also feels that it fits well with the historical ambiance of the series. You can read more about the book here.
In addition to coming up with a title for the book, I have also made available on the site the first three chapters! You can read them here. I promise that there are no spoilers in the sample chapters — nothing you read there will give away key points in the first book. So check it out and enjoy!
I have also put a map of Boston on the website. I am grateful to the Boston Public Library and specifically the Norman B. Leventhal Map Center for allowing me to use the map on my website and in the Thieftaker books.
2 Responses to A Title For the Second Thieftaker Book, and More!